What is a unified marketing strategy?

A unified marketing strategy is a conscious plan of how an organization desires to represent itself. It begins with a corporate mission, and permeates all of the interactions between the business and the external world. Each of the members of the organization must understand the values and goals of the organization in order to appropriately represent them when acting upon the organization’s behalf. (Example: If you walked into a high class restaurant and the host had stains on his shirt, he would be undermining the desired reputation for the business.) Once the corporate attitude/spirit is achieved, the logo, advertising, digital and print media (online and print documentation), and product/service should all be developed to support the corporate mission. The same logo should appear throughout the documentation. The same colors should be integrated throughout the documentation. The tone of all writing should be unified. If it’s a fight for survival within a depressed market, your marketing strategy is your team’s effort to present a unified pursuit of success. (Example: If the LA Lakers presented their documentation with red and green as opposed to purple and yellow lettering, their fan base would be confused). The masters of unified marketing strategy management are able to represent themselves in a consistent manner throughout the human resource management, advertising, environment, customer service, and product/service quality regardless of location.  These organizations empower their audience to know what to expect, and consistently satisfy those expectations. (Example: Apple produces easy to use, intuitive, creative, and inventive products. The people who work in their stores are creative, personable, and presentable individuals interested in making the experience of purchasing/learning about Apple products as easy as possible. Apple Stores are uncluttered, clean, organized, and efficient locations that are actually planned down to the location of each table to be the same at each location.  They are identical to one another. In fact, the map for setting up each store is based upon the floor tiles. None of this is by accident. It is the result of a detailed and well monitored unified marketing strategy.)

When should your strategy be made and/or revised?

Your marketing strategy should be reevaluated on a quarterly basis. Changing one’s strategy too often can create customer confusion which results in loss of interest.  Marketing collateral (both print and digital media) should be rechecked to ensure that they support the desired reputation and current opportunities available. Adjustments should be made as the corporate vision evolves, but the changes should be made on a relatively infrequent basis.

In contrast, it is important to constantly evaluate the corporate ability to adhere to the desired attitude/spirit and presentation of the marketing strategy. Small corrections can be made to individual behaviors, employee management, and digital media on a regular basis to retain interest from the target market.

Is your organization using a clearly unified marketing strategy?
Do you need help to clarify your mission to your audience?

PageLauncher is here to help! Contact us today to let us know how we can help you to achieve your potential!